This is a first draft of part II of the presentation begun in the December 6 blogpost. This completes the proposed presentation. I expect
errors, and I will be grateful for feedback! (NOTE: I did not need to actually rip a cover of EGEK to obtain this effect!)
NOW FOR THE BREAKTHROUGHYou have observed y”, the .05 significant result from E”,
the optional stopping rule, ending at n = 100.
Birnbaum claims he can show that you, as a frequentist error
statistician, must grant that it is equivalent to having fixed n= 100 at the
start (i.e., experiment E’)
The (strong) Likelihood
Principle (LP) is a universal conditional claim:
If two data sets y’
and y”
from experiments E’ and E” respectively, have likelihood functions which are
functions of the same parameter(s) µ
and are proportional to each
other, then y’ and y” should lead to identical
inferential conclusions about µ.
As with conditional proofs,
we assume the antecedent and try to derive the consequent, or equivalently,
show a contradiction results whenever the antecedent holds and the consequent
does not (reductio proof).